At Apple’s iPhone event on Tuesday, the company introduced a range of new phones, led by the just-announced flagships: the iPhone 12 Pro, starting at $999, and iPhone 12 Pro Max, starting at $1099. The new 5G-ready devices sport an all-screen Super Retina XDR display, the A14 Bionic chip, a Ceramic Shield front cover, LiDAR […]
Here’s everything Apple announced at its ‘Hi, Speed’ iPhone event today
Just shy of one month after their last event, Apple was back today with another one. Everyone had a pretty good feeling this would be the one where they announced this year’s new iPhone… instead, Apple announced four new iPhones, plus a new HomePod, for good measure. Didn’t have time to follow along live? Here […]
Join Yext’s Howard Lerman for a live Q&A today at 2 pm EDT/11 am PDT
Today’s the day! This afternoon at 2 p.m. EDT/11 a.m. PDT, Yext CEO Howard Lerman will join TechCrunch for a live chat. The conversation is part of our continuing Extra Crunch Live series, now in its second season. What are we up to in the second installment of the conversations? The same as before, bringing […]
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