WhatsApp is adding a ‘best quality’ setting for sending photos and videos

Kris Holt Contributor Share on Twitter Kris Holt is a contributing writer at Engadget. WhatsApp is working on a setting that will let users more easily bypass its iffy image compression and send photos and videos in the highest available fidelity. The “best quality” option will likely join “auto” and “data saver” choices in a future […]

New York City’s new biometrics privacy law takes effect

A new biometrics privacy ordinance has taken effect across New York City, putting new limits on what businesses can do with the biometric data they collect on their customers. From Friday, businesses that collect biometric information — most commonly in the form of facial recognition and fingerprints — are required to conspicuously post notices and […]

Demand Curve: How to double conversions on your startup’s homepage

Want to convert twice as many visitors into customers? Follow these copywriting tactics.